email: jgjanet[at]   |   Download CV [Updated in March 2024]

Janet Johnson

I'm a mixed-methods HCI researcher and Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor where I work with Dr. Michael Nebeling at the Information Interaction Lab. My current research focuses on leveraging eXtended Reality (XR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance our collaborative capacities. 

I am particularly interested in exploring how the spatial capabilities of XR can create environments that serve as cognitive aids, streamline communication, and modulate AI influence on group outcomes. In general, I use a human-centered approach to evaluate complex socio-technical systems, explore new avenues of interactions, and create frameworks that empower practitioners to build rich and impactful experiences for their users. 

I received my PhD from UC San Diego where I was advised by Dr. Nadir Weibel and part of both the HXI Lab and the Design Lab. My dissertation focused on enhancing support for collaborative XR experiences that go beyond realism. I am also associated with the XR Safety Initiative where I serve as an advisor and contribute to a framework for medical XR creators. In the past, I've worked with Meta Reality Labs, PwC, Microsoft, and Juniper Networks.


Recent Projects

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Embodied Collaborative Agents

I am currently focused on projects explore the design and function of collaborative Generative AI Agents in collabortative MR for synchronous group settings (details not public).

AI-driven Processes in Healthcare

Design research for integrating AI-driven decision making in healthcare with a focus on stroke detection and emergency response (details not public).

My PhD dissertation took a communication-and-cognition-first approach to enhance XR-mediated collaboration for physical tasks and uncover the unique affordances of its spatial capabilities.

Leveraging Experts’ Situated Experiences to Ease Remote Guidance in Collaborative Mixed Reality. Published at CHI 2023.

Uncovering the effects of spatial information and automated guidance to task objects. Published at CHI 2021.

I co-created a Masters course for UC San Diego on Human-Centered AI with Dr. Nadir Weibel. View course here.

I am working with the Medical XR Council towards creating guidelines for safe and ethical XR applications in healthcare (details not public).

I worked with FRL's AR team (Seattle) on the design of future AR glasses in the summer of 2020. 

An XR trauma care environment with a focus on real-time remote guidance for open surgery. This project was a collaboration with the US Naval Medical Center.


Full Papers

Janet G Johnson, Tommy Sharkey, Iramuali Cynthia Butarbutar, Danica Xiong, Ruijie Huang, Lauren Sy, and Nadir Weibel. UnMapped: Leveraging Experts' Situated Experiences to Ease Remote Guidance in Collaborative Mixed Reality. CHI '23, Hamburg, Germany [Teaser Video, Talk].

M.D. Tadlock, E.J. Olson, D. Gasques, R. Champagne, M.J. Krzyzaniak, S.A. Belverud, V. Ravindra, J. Kerns, P. M Choi, J. Deveraux, J. Johnson, T. Sharkey, M. Yip, N. Weibel, K. Davis Mixed reality surgical mentoring of combat casualty care related procedures in a perfused cadaver model: Initial results of a randomized feasibility study. Surgery 2022.

Chen, Chen, Janet G. Johnson, Alice Charles, Kemeberly abd Lee, Ella T. Lifset, Michael Hogarth, Alison A. Moore, Emilia Farcas, and Nadir Weibel. Understanding Barriers and Design Opportunities to Improve Healthcare and QOL for Older Adults through Voice Assistants. ASSETS '21, Virtual Event, USA.

Janet G Johnson, Danilo Gasques, Tommy Sharkey, Evan Schmitz, and Nadir Weibel. Do You Really Need to Know Where “That” Is? Enhancing Support for Referencing in Collaborative Mixed Reality Environments. CHI '21, Yokohama, Japan. [Video, Slides]

Danilo Gasques, Janet G Johnson, Tommy Sharkey, Yuanyuan Feng, Ru Wang, Zhuoqun Robin Xu, Enrique Zavala, Yifei Zhang, Wanze Xie, Xinming Zhang, Konrad Davis, Michael Yip, and Nadir Weibel. ARTEMIS: A Collaborative Mixed-Reality System for Immersive Surgical Telementoring. CHI '21, Yokohama, Japan.

W. Xie, Y. Liang, J. Johnson, A. Mower, S. Burns, C. Chelini, P. D'Alessandro, N. Weibel, J.P. Schulze. Interactive Multi-User 3D Visual Analytics in Augmented Reality. IS&T The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality '20, San Fracisco, CA, USA.

Janet G. Johnson, Evan Schmitz, Venktesh Ramnath, and Nadir Weibel. Nurture-Empower-Support: A Human-Centered Approach to Understand and Support ICU Families. PervasiveHealth '19, Trento, Italy. [Slides]

Janet G. Johnson, Danilo Gasques Rodrigues, Madhuri Gubbala, and Nadir Weibel. HoloCPR: Designing and Evaluating a Mixed Reality Interface for Time-Critical Emergencies. PervasiveHealth '18, New York, NY USA. [Slides]

Short Papers, White Papers, and Extended Abstracts

Janet G. Johnson, Jens Emil Grønbæk. Embracing Asymmetries for Inclusivity in Collaborative MR. Position paper at the Designing Inclusive Future Augmented Realities Workshop, CHI '24, Honolulu, HI, USA.

Janet Johnson, Julia Scott, Richard Price. Immersive Healthcare & AI: Finding the balance between innovation, and shared responsibility, a Roundtable Report based on the Metaverse Safety Week 2023, XRSI

Charles, K., Chen, C., Johnson, J., Lee, A., Lifset, E., Hogarth, M., Weibel, N., Farcas, E., Moore, A. How might an intelligent voice assistant address older adults' health-related needs?. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society '21, NJ, USA (abstract)

Chen, C., Mrini, K., Charles, K., Johnson, J., Lee, A., Lifset, E., Hogarth, M., Moore, A., Nakashole, N., Weibel, N., Farcas, E. VOLI: Voice Assistant for Quality of Life and Healthcare Improvement in Aging Populations. Smart Health in the AI and COVID Era, NSF Smart and Connected Health (SCH) '21, Virtual Workshop.

Nadir Weibel, Danilo Gasques Rodrigues, Janet G. Johnson, Thomas Sharkey, Zhuoqun Xu, Xinming Zhang, Michael Yip, and Konrad Davis. ARTEMIS: Mixed-Reality Environment for Immersive Surgial Telementoring. CHI '20 Extended Abstracts, Honolulu, HI, USA.

Janet G. Johnson, Khalil Mrini, Michael Hogarth, Alison Moore, Ndapa Nakashole, Nadir Weibel, and Emilia Farcas. Voice-Based Conversational Agents for Older Adults. Position Paper at Conversational Agents for Health and Wellbeing, CHI '20, Honolulu, HI, USA.

Farcas, E., Hogarth, M., Johnson, J., Moore, A., Mrini, K., Nakashole, N., Weibel, N. VOLI: Voice Assistant for Quality of Life and Healthcare Improvement in Aging Populations. Advancing Health Through Science Workshop, NSF Smart and Connected Health(SCH) '20, Alexandria, VA, USA.

K.L. Davis, D. Gasques, Y.Zhang, W. Xie, J. Johnson, Y. Feng, Z. Xu, J. Riback, T. Sharkey, M. Yip, N. Weibel. ARTEMIS, Augmented Reality Technology to Enable reMote Integrated Surgery: A Review of Technical Consideration and Study Design. MHSRS '19, Orlando, USA.

Danilo Gasques Rodrigues, Janet G. Johnson, Thomas Sharkey, and Nadir Weibel. PintAR: Sketching Spatial Experiences in Augmented Reality. DIS '19, San Diego, USA. (Demo)

Thomas Sharkey, Janet G. Johnson, Danilo Gasques, and Nadir Weibel. I Want to Be a Surgeon! Role Playing for Remote Surgery in Mixed Reality. Workshop on Interactive Systems for Healthcare, CHI '19, Glasgow, UK.

Janet G. Johnson, Evan Schmitz, Venktesh Ramnath, and Nadir Weibel. Designing Family-Centered Aids for the Intensive Care Unit. CHI '19 Extended Abstracts, Glasgow, UK. [Poster]

Danilo Gasques Rodrigues, Janet G. Johnson, Thomas Sharkey, and Nadir Weibel. What You Sketch Is What You Get: Quick and Easy Augmented Reality Prototyping with PintAR. CHI '19 Extended Abstracts, Glasgow, UK.

Danilo Gasques, Janet G. Johnson, and Nadir Weibel. Real-time guidance for cardiopulmonary resuscitation in Mixed Reality. PervasiveHealth '18, New York, NY USA. (Demo)

Teaching, Events, and Service


Teaching Staff for Nadir Weibel's Human-Centered AI, 2022

Teaching Assistant for Nadir Weibel's Towards Human-Centered AI, Fall 2021

Teaching Assistant for Nadir Weibel's Ubiquitous Computing, Fall 2017, 2018, and 2019

Teaching Assistant for Nadir Weibel's Human-Computer Interaction for Health (HCI4H), Winter 2019, Spring 2021 and 2022

Teaching Staff on Scott Klemmer's Interaction Design Specialization on Coursera, Aug 2017 - Aug 2019

Teaching Assistant for Scott Klemmer's Advanced Interaction Design, Spring 2017

Academic Service and Organizing

Program Committee member for the Understanding People - Statistical and Quantitative Methods Subcommittee for CHI 2025.

Program Committee member for ISMAR 2024.

Track Chair for Medical XR and Immersive Healthcare at the Metaverse Safety Week 2022.

Organized a hybrid Empathic Computing Workshop at IEEE VR 2022 with Dr. Mark Billinghurst and Dr. Arindam Dey.

Web co-chair for UbiComp and ISWC 2020.

Program Committee member for CHI 2023 Late-Breaking Work.

Reviewer for CHI, CSCW, IEEE VR, VRST, SUI, CHI Play, TEI, MobileHCI, and ISWC.

Invited Talks and Guest Lectures


Invited talk on XR and AI in Collaborative Work for UMSI's Theme Year Talk - Future of Work.

Panel member for New Frontiers in XR at the UofM Innovation Summit 2024.

Panel member for Collective Creativity with the Collective Intelligence Journal 2024.


Lecture on Research Methods in HCI for UC San Diego's Design Lab Internship Lecture Series.

Guest lecture on Designing Spatial Collaborative Interfaces for UC San Diego's Human Computer Interaction (COGS 120).


Invited talk on Designing Collaborative Experiences in eXtended Reality at Adobe's HCI/Viz Research Seminar 2022.

Lecture on Research Methods in HCI for UC San Diego's Design Lab Internship Lecture Series.


XR Demo at Remote Collaboration in XR, Filene’s big.bright.minds. Irvine, CA.

Demo at Introduction to Augmented Reality, Women in STEM, San Diego Science & Engineering Fair San Diego, CA.

Talk and demo at Mixed Reality and HCI Research, Harvey Mudd Research Open House Claremont, CA.


AR prototyping guest lecture for UC San Diego's Cognitive Design Studio (COGS 102C).

Invited talk at Video Games to the Rescue! with Dr. Nadir Weibel, Fleet Science Center San Diego, CA.